From Dr. Philip Richardson’s intensive courses at
Emmaus University of Haiti (September 2018
and January 2019): “The students are hungry to
learn and have many questions. They’re keen
to understand how the Bible addresses the
issues that confront them in their culture.”
Philip reports animated debate on a wide
range of real-life matters as students en-
gaged with Paul’s letters and the Gospels:
women’s roles in the church, sex and mar-
riage, the cautionary and convicting portrait
of the Pharisees, and Luke’s presentation of the
person and power of the Holy Spirit. Philip says
of his teaching time in Haiti and also at West Africa
Theological Seminary in Nigeria: “These opportunities are
reminders of the great privilege of being involved in TLEAD and the many
opportunities God has given to grow transformative leaders for the church.”
From Rev. Colleen Weaver, the coordinator of discipleship and leadership
development for TLEAD: “I have begun to meet monthly with a group of
OMS leaders in Europe to develop a vision and implementation plan for
making disciples who make disciples. We hope that together we will develop
definitions, models, and processes that will serve as a disciple-making cata-
lyst for others across OMS.”
From my course on Psalms at the Biblical Seminary
of Mexico (Jan. 2019): The president of UNIFAM,
the national church with which OMS partners
in Mexico, was an unexpected participant in
the course. Pastor Daniel’s influential pres-
ence will open doors for UNIFAM pastors
to attend future courses and even enroll for
degree programs. My great delight was to
hear from field leader Troy Gentry: “Daniel
said that your way of teaching the class
caused him to reflect on his own approach
to the material and the students in his weekly
training class for pastors. It made an impact on
him to see you teaching to the level of the students
and making sure that they were able to grasp the ma-
terial, no matter their starting point. Now, rather than complaining that his
pastors don’t ‘get it,’ he’s going to work harder to meet them where they are.”
We look forward to what God will do in the coming days as we continue to guide,
support, and assist our future leaders in Bible schools and seminaries around the
photo page 18: Rachel Coleman teaches a course on Psalms at the Biblical Seminary
of Mexico. photos page 19, top: Philip Richardson teaches an intensive course at
Emmaus University of Haiti. bottom: Pastor Daniel studies in the course on Psalms.