After 17 years of renting , the UNIFAM Viveros Church purchased a building in December 2012 . Thank God for His divine guidance in finding the right location and for His provision of the funds needed in just two months for the down payment of $ 100,000 . On March 11 , 2013 , UNIFAM held a worship celebration to dedicate the building to God ’ s use .
OMS South Africa , in collaboration with a local partner , launched a church-based church planting model in India and plans to plant 1,300 churches over the next five years using the Community Church Planting ( CCP ) methodology .
A partnership is growing between OMS Brazil and OMS Mozambique . The president of the Brazil Missionary Church , along with other key leaders , visited Mozambique , and leaders of the OMS-related churches in Mozambique also attended Brazil ’ s annual church meeting in November 2012 . Seminary and church planting ideas and materials have been exchanged , short-term missionaries are being sent to Mozambique , and prayers are being answered as the Brazil Missionary Church is becoming a real missionary church , now sending its own missionaries .