OMS Outreach May-Aug 2013 | Page 17

South Pacific


In 2012 , Estonian Christians sent seven short-term foreign mission teams to serve indigenous people groups inside Russia . After one trip , a local partner wrote this about how the Estonian mission team had helped : “ The team had a very strong influence on our local evangelism team . After a time of difficulties , we experienced God ’ s hand in a miraculous way . It was like rediscovering your first love ! We are again driving the long roads , putting on evangelistic concerts for our people . God has restored us ! The enthusiasm of proclaiming the Gospel has returned to our team .”

South Pacific

The OMS team first met A * through OMS missionary Marilyn Eberhart ’ s ministry
( Marilyn died in 2011 ). She met A * as a young boy when he participated in a VBS program . She saw great potential in him and decided to invest in his future by supporting his education . Today ,
A * is a graduate of the seminary in the South Pacific and serves in leadership at a local church .
* Due to security , name has been omitted .



Through the ministries of Every Community for Christ , the Chopi people are studying the Bible with ECC trainers and OMS missionaries . They have discovered that they have not truly been following the Word of God . The Chopi people have begun to leave the traditional “ churches ” that function under witch doctors , divination and ancestral worship , and they have been joining and planting Mozambican evangelical churches .
The OMS Taiwan business manager ,
Robert Chen , reported that eight of his students last semester accepted the Lord . Robert teaches a champion course for 7 th graders at the Ju Ren Middle School . The course is a morals and ethics class developed by a Christian organization for use in Taiwan middle schools . At the end of each semester , he has students fill out a survey to get their feedback on the course . One of the questions he asks is if they accepted the Lord . Four girls and four boys marked that they had accepted the Lord during the class . God is good !.