Men for Missions
God used Men for Missions ( MFM ) this past year to impact lives in the U . S . and globally , including in Ukraine . In 2022 and the first part of 2023 , MFM sent 8 work teams to Hungary , with 45 volunteers . We thank God that 47 percent of these people were new to OMS / MFM . These short-term teams partnered with our OMS Europe / Middle East regional missionaries to help make a difference in Ukraine . They drove approximately 600,000 pounds of life-saving supplies to western Ukraine . Once there , MFM gave the supplies to three different ministries who then distributed them . What a blessing to help meet urgent needs for the people in Ukraine .
God is growing the number of servants he is sending out post-COVID : |
Year |
Teams |
Participants |
Countries |
2021 |
12 |
86 |
4 |
2022 |
33 |
216 |
11 |
2023 ( thru 3 / 31 ) |
11 |
92 |
7 |
Hope61 uses Engage trainings to mobilize churches around the world to prevent human trafficking in their communities by addressing vulnerabilities that can lead to involvement in trafficking as victims , buyers , and / or traffickers . A core part of the training is the emphasis on sharing the message of the Gospel with those who are vulnerable .
Hope61 trained 5,221 people in 2022 .
MFM , a lay-focused ministry of OMS , mobilizes ordinary men and their families from all walks of life to do extraordinary things by doing , going , and giving whatever God asks . God uses MFM to provide short-term mission opportunities to volunteers who steward their talents and testimonies while impacting a lost world for Jesus Christ .
Emily , a summer 2022 Embarker , shared , “ I loved the team . [ They were ] by far my favorite part of the trip . They all were so fun and taught me a lot . Everyone cared and welcomed me onto the field so well . The ministry activities pushed me out of my comfort zone , catered to my strengths , and taught valuable lessons . I got amazing feedback — not just affirming my strengths but also pointing out my challenges — while I was on the field and during debriefs afterwards .”
Pastor N * started his six-hour motorcycle journey to Mombin-Crochu , Haiti , before sunrise to avoid gang trouble and roadblocks . Most of the pastor ’ s Hope61 Engage trainings are outside of his community . Travel by car isn ’ t safe and can take much longer . Pastor N and the other Haitian Hope61 trainers do whatever is necessary to continue to lead trainings . Sometimes , they travel by boat , bus , or even on foot .
Pastors and leaders in Haiti who have attended a Hope61 training give testimony of the importance of this ministry and stay in touch to encourage one another practically and spiritually . Many church leaders who have completed an Engage training say that the training was their first time hearing about human trafficking . The training helped them realize that trafficking happens all around them , that they can raise awareness about it , and that they can prevent it in their communities .
* Name withheld for security purposes .
Many engage with the global church through Embark , OMS ’ 1- to 12-month cross-cultural Christian mission experience specifically ( but not exclusively ) geared toward young adults .
Participants learn to more effectively share the Gospel with unbelievers and disciple and train believers from different cultures while gaining a new perspective of daily residential missionary life .
They develop as leaders by serving alongside and learning from experienced missionaries , and they discern if and how God may be calling them to serve through missions .
Embark by the numbers : In 2022 , OMS sent 5 Embarkers to 3 countries . In 2023 , OMS sent 9 Embarkers to 5 countries .