How OMS USA Funds Are Used :
Ministry Expenses
Management and General
81 % 12 % 7 %
One Mission Society USA , Inc . ( OMS ) is recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt organization under section 501 ( c )( 3 ) of the Internal Revenue Code . OMS is a charter member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability and as such is committed to their Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship TM . The financial books and records of OMS are audited annually by independent auditors , and a copy of the audit is available upon request .
OMS operates on a fiscal year , with our latest year ending March 31 , 2023 . For fiscal year April 1 , 2022 - March 31 , 2023 , approximately $ 23 million was donated to missionaries and ministries . Approximately $ 20 million was spent for ministry around the world .
For financial inquiries , or if you would like a copy of the audit , please contact Betsy Shroyer , OMS CFO , at bshroyer @ onemissionsociety . org .
14 OMS Global Impact Report