OMS Global Impact Report 2022-2023 | Page 12

One Mission Kids

God blessed our work in a big way in Scipio , New York . At the 2022 OMK-led Missionary Zoo missions adventure , the boys and girls of Scipio Baptist Church got excited about helping young people in Mexico ’ s underreached Circle of Silence learn about Jesus . Throughout the week , this group of 24 kids , ages 3 – 12 , gave and / or raised $ 1,800 — enough for 40 youth campers in Mexico to attend camp and hear the Good News of Jesus … many for the first time !
For more than a century , OMS ’ heartbeat has been encouraging the next generation to grow their missionary hearts . As a result , at least four generations of youth have been impacted by the ministry of One Mission Kids ( OMK ), proving that with God ’ s help , kids can do missions too !
OMK empowers kids ages 4 – 14 to engage in missions through learning , prayer , generosity , and discipleship .
In 2022 , OMK :
• Developed five educational lessons about OMS-related youth camps in Mexico ’ s Circle of Silence and helped raise $ 1,800 for these camps .
• Produced the Missionary Zoo virtual missions adventure , which reached more than 400 kids on 6 continents .
• Developed and tested the Missionary Zoo GO Map ! evangelism tool .
• Distributed 570 missionary starter kits at camps , schools , and churches .
• Updated OMK ’ s entire cartoon cast and international destination characters .

Church Partners

Church Partners is now shepherding a significant initiative with the new Global Methodist Church . More than 2,000 churches have joined this recent theologically conservative movement . We anticipate that many of these churches will collaborate with OMS through Church Partners .
Church Partners continues to strengthen OMS ’ partnership with the U . S . - based Korean Evangelical Church of America ( KECA ), a daughter denomination of the Korea-based Korea Evangelical Holiness Church , which OMS helped launch nearly a century ago . In March 2023 , 18 KECA leaders spent a week at the OMS World Headquarters ( pictured ) for training in the use of our Train & Multiply ( T & M ) method . KECA will be the first denomination to utilize T & M in the U . S .

Billion . Global

OMS USA Church Partners cultivates partnerships with churches in the U . S . to provide mutual value and advance the Great Commission . OMS strives to expand partnerships with churches to build relationships and help them grow their missional DNA .
The big idea of Billion . Global is to give at least a billion people the opportunity to know and follow Jesus . Through March 2023 , 187 partners from around the globe are engaging in this collaboration , with nearly 700 million Gospel shares since 2016 . OMS serves as the founding and lead partner .
In early 2023 , the president of the Tim Tebow Foundation ( TTF ) called OMS . “ We ’ re in the fight against human trafficking in a West African nation . It ’ s extremely difficult , and we need help .” His tone was urgent . Within a few days , five Billion . Global partners met virtually to respond . TTF had funds and people on the ground already engaged in this struggle . Another partner specializes in establishing Christian homes where vulnerable children can be safely nurtured and discipled . Two others represent the largest in-country church networks , and OMS ’ Hope61 human trafficking prevention ministry presented its training that equips local churches to recognize vunerablities that can lead to involvement in trafficking .
God works redemption through collaboration , helping us discover missing puzzle pieces in ministry and putting them into place .
12 OMS Global Impact Report