OJCL Torch Winter 2019 | Page 11

5 Tips on Surviving Your First OJCL Convention 2nd Vice President Julia Dean, Summit Country Day Is this your first state convention? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! There are hundreds of young OJCLers experiencing the wild ride of a state convention for the first time. Here are a couple tips from seasoned veterans that will ensure your experience is ~snazzy~! 1. Start projects early! Don’t be that person finishing their decorative stitching on the bus ride up to Columbus. Be proactive and finish your projects early! 2. Don’t be shy. Embrace the experience that is convention! Don’t be afraid to audition for the talent show try that new colloquia, take every test, or even just introduce yourself to a new friend! Audentes fortuna iuvat- “Fortune favors the bold”- so good things are bound to happen when you put yourself out there. 3. Actually sleep. Is it tempting to pull an all nighter at convention when you’re in a small hotel room with all your friends and you just drank a six pack of Red Bulls? YES. Resist this urge. Try and catch a couple of hours of Zzzz’s. You will thank yourself the next day when you ACE your Latin Grammar test and kill it in Certamen. 4. Cheer your head off in Spirit. You know those people who act like they’re too cool to cheer in Spirit? They are laaaaame. Trust me, if you give Spirit your absolute fullest effort, you will not be disappointed in the result. Losing your voice is a badge of honor. 5. Enjoy each moment to the fullest! Convention is exhausting, and it’s easy to take these few precious moments for granted. Remember what a privilege it truly is! Participate in as much as possible, thank all the adults, make new friends, eat the bagged lunches, and have the best convention ever.