That spring, I went to the state convention for the rst time and
found all sort of marvels in the insanity that hurtled through the Ramada
(RIP). That weekend I made, then broke, then xed, my upper class Roman
domus; played, and was crushed in, beginner level certamen with three of
my friends and had a fabulous time of it; sat through what felt like
endless GAs; and saw some of That’s Entertainment. It wasn’t till I ended
up at the Doctor Who movie night, which I insisted on dragging my friends
to, that I saw Will again and realized where I knew him from. Right then
time froze, and the rst two parts of the JCL: the family and the ancient
cultures, they were put into context. Here was a group of people,
wonderful people who made each other happy, but more importantly were
dedicated to making other people happy. Here they all were, watching
Doctor Who and eating cheap ice cream together after spending the day,
among other things, making blankets for kids who didn’t have enough
warm clothes and writing letters to people they hadn’t even met in an
attempt to make a total stranger’s day just a little bit brighter. All the
parts of the JCL they work together, the smart parts and the creative
parts and the artsy parts and the joyful parts, they all came from love.
The JCLove that has seeped into everything we do, love for each other, for
the classics, and love for the all the people we’ve never met.
Wellington Latin
Club members
participate in a
Halloween service