When people ask me about the JCL, the rst explanation that I
normally think of is “a group of Latin and Ancient Greek students.” It is
simple and pretty easy to understand. When people talk about the JCL,
we mostly discuss convention and all the projects we do, building this or
reciting that. Or we talk about our friends, the people we simply cannot
wait to see again, because “yes, I really miss them that much, Mom, and
no, it’s not a weird codependency thing.” The part that gets lost is the
volunteer work, all the things we do during convention and the rest of the
year at MADDs and other service events that improve the community;
that help total strangers. We have so much potential, and so much love to
share with the world; let us not forget all the good we can accomplish, or
the difference we can make in the world. Let us embrace our role as a
service organization, and when people ask us about the JCL, let us say
“yes, those are the people with whom I make the world a better place.”
Because the Central Make a Difference Day was my rst experience with
the JCL, and that little middle schooler passing out turkeys was the girl
who rst fell in love with JCLove — and we should never forget how
important our service work is.