Oil&Gas Buisiness Issue Volume 13 | Page 54

english issue

These are the main ingredients of a new concept : « Unhappy Development » with low quality of life of populations due to numerous factors : « Some of these factors relate to the quality of public services such as health , education , transport , electricity supply , and others . Others deal with the quality of jobs available in the economy . The quality of the environment , the quality of institutions , public security , fairness of the judicial system , the fight against corruption , and economic and political stability also have great influence on the quality of people ’ s lives . « Consequently , democratic demands are still outstanding . Concerning UNDP , the annual policy instrument is the Human Development Report . It is a highly anticipated annual reference . The 2014 Report highlighted two pitfalls :
• Resilience : the ability to bounce back in case of crisis or disruption ; and
• Vulnerability . Resilience of people is « largely dependent on the degree of freedom they enjoy and their ability to respond to negative events , whether natural or caused by man , and to overcome such events .» To achieve this , there a need to « empower and protect people ,» by removing « barriers that hinder people ’ s freedom to act .» Besides , success in overcoming vulnerabilities depends on whether « societies are interdependent » and pursue « general objectives with regard to equality , inclusion , and social justice , strengthening social institutions and social cohesion .»
Sustainable development and inclusive growth are linked in the National Report on Human
Development in 2015 to a culture of renewal . What does this new concern cover ? It results from civil society ’ s commitment to building democracy and creating of a common identity among citizens « thanks to the close ties it develops with all social groups , including the economically weak , and also thanks to the social values that motivate its actions .» Civil society is the prime mover of participatory democracy . Law No . 12-06 of 15 January 2012 on associations provides the legal framework for associations , particularly among young people . Freedom to establish associations is enshrined in the Algerian Constitution under Article 39 of the 1989 Constitution , Articles 41 and 43-1 of the Constitution of 28 November 1996 , and in earlier Constitutions ( Article 19 of the 1963 Constitution and Article 56 of the 1976 Constitution ).
« For young people to be listened to and for their needs to be taken into account , they have to be organized , and this issue is posed in a crucial way . Their experiences , opinions , and even their hopes are key elements in the definition of development policy . The elements of diagnostic involve three levels : i . Access to social , political , and economic spheres ; ii . Active membership in organizations that have an influence in daily life ; and iii . Involvement in public policy and planning . At the beginning of 2012 , there were 1,027 national associations , among which youth associations represented only 4.9 % of the total . Associations representing various professions top the list with 20.7 %, followed in second rank by health associations with 14.7 %, and in the third place we find associations acting in the fields of culture , art , education , and training with13.9 %.
54 / OIL & GAS business / NUMÉRO 13 / mars 2016