Oil&Gas Buisiness Issue Volume 13 | Page 53

english issue

Average age of self-employed people is 25 years . In terms of gender , data show that male entrepreneurs outnumber female ones with a ratio of 12:1 ( 2013 figures ). For the self-employed , the ratio is 6:1 . Measures to create a favourable environment for entrepreneurship deal with :
• The regulatory framework for entrepreneurial activity ;
• Arrangements and measures to support the creation of SMEs ; and
• Innovative and creative capacity . Concerning the most recent measures taken in 2001 , the government promulgated the Order on Investment Development ( Order No . 01 / 03 of 20 August 2001 ) and enacted the Framework Law Promoting SME / SMI ( Law No . 01 / 18 of 12 December 2001 ). These pieces of legislation introduce administrative facilitation measures in the company creation phase , as well as the creation of a Fund to guarantee loans granted by banks to SMEs / SMIs , the establishment of the Investment Agency ( ANDI , formerly called APSI ), and the Agency for the Promotion , Support , and Monitoring of Investment from 1993 to 2001 . A strategy based on tax benefits , such as exemption and / or relief from duties and taxes , and other fiscal levies on imported goods directly used in investment , has been developed and economic subsidies have been awarded to young entrepreneurs through specific programmes such as the National Agency for Supporting Youth Employment ( ANSEJ ), the National Agency for Micro-Credit Management ( ANGEM ), etc . Regarding performance in entrepreneurship , it seems that the lifespan of this kind of company is generally short .
Last year , the world shifted from Millennium Development Goals ( MDGs ) to Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs ). What is the difference ? Three goals dealing with sustainable development have a social dimension , namely :
• Maintain the integrity of the environment to ensure the health and safety of human communities and preserve the ecosystems that sustain life ;
• Ensure social equity , the growth of communities , and respect for diversity ; and
• Strive for economic efficiency to create an innovative , prosperous , environmentally and socially responsible economy . Goals linked to sustainable development are set for 15-year phases :
• 2000-2015 : Eight ( 8 ) Millennium Development Goals ( MDGs ); and
• 2015-2030 : Seventeen ( 17 ) Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs ). The adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in September 2015 by the United Nations caps several years of intense negotiations among member states culminating in the formal adoption of the new programme entitled « Transforming Our World : The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development .» The differences between the MDGs and SDGs relate to three levels :
• How they were developed : − MDGs were developed by a group of experts in camera , − SDGs are the result of a negotiation process , which lasted several years and involved 193 UN member states in addition to civil society .
• Their purpose : − MDGs cover social issues . − SDGs cover all dimensions of sustainable development , namely economic growth , social inclusion , and environmental protection .
• Their geographical scope − MDGs mainly targeted developing countries , especially the poorest . − SDG are applicable to rich and poor countries alike . Countries will be able to adopt a set of goals to eradicate poverty , protect the planet , and ensure prosperity for all . Who bears the burden of monitoring ? Two major international organizations have been supporting these efforts for a long time : the World Bank and UNDP . In 2008 , the World Bank published the famous « The Growth Report : Strategies for Sustained Growth and Inclusive Development .» The paper highlights and identifies a number of common features of success stories in economic development . It lists five of them :
• Trade liberalization and integration into the world economy ;
• Favourable macroeconomic environment ;
• High levels of savings and public investment ;
• Confidence in market flexibility and mechanisms ;
• Strong and credible government that demonstrates leadership and good governance . In 2015 , the World Bank published another reference document , intended particularly for the North Africa - Middle East 2 region . The World Bank recommends using « factors other than economic inequality , such as the decline in overall quality of life , rampant corruption , lack of freedom , etc .» to explain the upheavals that have affected the Arab world since 2011 . 1 . It downplays the burden of inequality . 2 . It highlights the burden of exclusion .
OIL & GAS business / NUMÉRO 13 / Mars 2016 / 53