Oil&Gas Buisiness Issue Volume 13 | Page 52

Ammar Belhimer

english issue

Ammar Belhimer

Professor of Public Law , Faculty of Law , Algiers University I

Civil Society : The Prime Mover of Participatory Democracy

By Rachid Lourdjane
In an interview with OGB , Pr . Ammar Belhimer gives highlights of the presentation he delivered at the meeting between the National Economic and Social Council ( CNES ) and the Government and offers insights into new development approaches initiated by the World Bank . Resilience , ability to bounce back in a crisis , vulnerability , decreased quality of life , corruption , sustainable development , what is the role of young people as a business force ? All these themes and issues make up our economic environment and require an answer .
OGB : The latest National Human Development Report focuses on economic participation . Why . And what are the stakes ? Ammar Belhimer : The issue of economic participation has been considered under the approach of youth entrepreneurship . Analysis of the situation of entrepreneurship , including the contribution of young people is conducted according to three parameters :
• Entrepreneurial activities of young people ;
• Measures for an environment favourable for entrepreneurship ; and
• Performance for business creation . Regarding entrepreneurial activities of young people , in terms of human resource , data from « employment » surveys , and precisely employers and self-employed people , reflect a predominance of self-employed young people over with employers ( 2,674,000 against 408,000 young people aged 15-29 years ). This finding corroborates the economic census of 2011 , which reflects the predominance in the national economy of physical persons over legal entities , i . e . 888,794 compared with 45 456 , respectively . Furthermore , these data indicate a decline of the structure of selfemployed youth aged 15-29 years , from 27.2 % in 2011 to 22.1 % in 2013 , a 5.1 point decrease in three years . This finding is confirmed with respect to ages between 15 and 29 years .
52 / OIL & GAS business / NUMÉRO 13 / mars 2016