Oil&Gas Buisiness Issue Volume 13 | Page 51

english issue

Looking back to the early 2000s , we note that primary natural gas production evolved in the range of 139-150 billion cubic meters a year . It should be mentioned that part of this production is used for re-injection into deposits to maintain pressure . According to official data , in 2000 , primary production reached 139 billion cubic meters . By contrast , in 2014 , production stood at 131 billion cubic meters . Meanwhile , it increased to 154 billion cubic meters in 2008 thanks to the rise in production of two gas fields : In Salah and In Amenas , developed by Sonatrach and BP , joined later by Statoil . Between 2005 and 2009 , production exceeded 150 billion cubic meters per year thanks to the contribution of the two deposits mentioned above whose production capacity is 18 billion cubic meters a year ( 9 billion cubic meters a year for each of them .) peaking at 154 billion in 2008 . Between 2003 and 2004 , production reached 138 and 144 billion cubic meters a year . In 2010 and 2011 , production stood at 146 and 140 , respectively . In 2012 , it rose to 132.5 before declining to 127 in 2013 following the attack against the gas field of Amenas ( Tiguentourine ) and the stoppage of two liquefaction and purification plants .
Production Resumed in 2014
In 2014 , production rose to 131 billion cubic meters thanks to the start of output from gas fields in 2013 with an overall capacity of 10 billion cubic meters a year . The ENI-Sonatrach association put into production in 2013 the wet gas field MLE ( Menzel Ledjmet East ) in the Ledjmet perimeter in the Berkine basin , 220 km southeast of Hassi Messaoud ( Ouargla ). The Ledjmet perimeter consists of two deposits : a wet gas ( MLE ) deposit and a deposit of oil and CAFC ( Central Area Field Complex ) with a production capacity of 9 million cubic meters of commercial gas , i . e . 3 billion cubic meters per year , 12,000 barrels of LPG , 10,000 barrels of condensate , and 5,000 barrels of oil . Sonatrach alone put into production the Gassi Touil gas field , located in the wilaya of Illizi with a production capacity of 3.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year and the gas field of Rhourde Nouss-Quartzites Hamra located in the wilaya of Illizi , which has a production capacity of 3.5 billion cubic meters per year . As part of its 2015-2019 Medium Term Plan , Sonatrach plans to increase the primary production of natural gas from 131 to 151 billion cubic meters per year . The input will essentially come from new deposits located in the south west in whose facilities are under construction , as well as the pipeline expected to transport gas from Reggane to Hassi R ’ Mel . The three deposits of Touat , Timimoun and North Reggane , developed in partnership , should contribute about 10 billion cubic meters of natural gas a year . The deposits of Isarene , Ahnet , and MLSE , among others , should provide the other volumes of natural gas . Indeed , the production of 151 billion cubic meters will help meet increasing domestic demand by then and to increase export volumes to try and restore the level of exports of the early 2000s . Beyond that target , if we make a projection for 2030 , Algeria may have to increase its natural gas production to 200 billion cubic meters . It will then have to develop new seizable deposits to provide new quantities , knowing that current active fields will experience a natural decline .
Large Volumes Need to Be Produced
Now , the quantities that will be produced at that time must be identified in the coming years . A simple calculation yields a target of several hundred billion cubic meters of natural gas to be developed in the medium-term . If we consider Algeria ’ s potential , the target can be reached . Indeed , Algeria has about 4.5 trillion cubic meters of conventional natural gas reserves and 20 trillion cubic meters of recoverable unconventional natural gas according to official figures . To lower the pressure on natural gas consumption , the authorities adopted in May 2015 a national programme for the promotion of renewable energy , which is considered as a national priority . Besides , the national renewable energy programme adopted last year provides for the establishment of a capacity of 22,000 MW by 2030 , which will provide about 27 % of the electricity to be produced from renewable energies and will save an amount of 300 billion cubic meters of gas . To be prepared for the 2030 target date and to provide the quantities of natural gas that the country needs , we need to make significant investments in the medium term . We also need to improve efficiency in managing projects to avoid potentially very costly delays .
OIL & GAS business / NUMÉRO 13 / Mars 2016 / 51