Oil&Gas Buisiness Issue Volume 13 | Page 55

english issue

The presence of youth associations is also rather shy at local level . In this same year of 2012 , there were 90,764 local associations , including 21.6 % working as neighbourhood and village committees widely represented in the wilayas of Algiers , Tizi-Ouzou , and Béjaïa ( with more than 1,000 committees each ). Locally , there is a fairly strong presence of associations of parents of students , religious associations , and those dealing with sports and physical education . However , youth associations ’ presence remains timid and the same goes for environmental associations or charities . These vectors are not sufficient to ensure participation in decision making , which is based on a number of necessary elements , such as : i . Access to information that facilitates collective and individual action ; and ii . Extended consultation for interaction and communication .
According to UNDP , youth participation in formal and institutionalized political processes is relatively low compared with other categories of the population worldwide . In this regard , voting is the prime example . Algeria is no exception . For various reasons , young people are generally on the sidelines of policy making spheres . This situation is likely to aggravate the feeling of disinterest and the lack of trust in politics . Another national study conducted by the University of Constantine with youth of both genders , shows that young people seem relatively curious in relation to political information , but their knowledge of politics seem poor . Youth participation in politics is extremely low since only 16.5 % of youth reported that they were active politically , only 11.7 % reported attending political rallies or groups , 11 % of young people are members of a political party , the same proportion participated in election campaigns , and only 4 % of young people said they had already run as candidates in elections . Also , among those surveyed , only 30 % said they usually voted , while 58 % had never voted . Concerning membership in political parties , 67 % of those surveyed said they did not wish to join any party . Nevertheless , over 80 % of young people admit that nationalism is an important value ; only 9 % of them think that elected political parties delivered on their commitments , and 10 % of youth reported that elected persons actually represent them . Young people seem to be highly sensitive , since over 60 % believe that change will come about with young people . Furthermore , 60.5 % agree with union strikes as a way to voice claims , and a large majority of them ( 76.1 %) believe that there is still a lot of discrimination in Algeria .
The system of values and representations is the reference base that guides the choice of every individual in his / her life . Young people , even if they are not a homogeneous group , have opinions on the present and the future , as they belong to systems of values from which they draw their perception but to which they contribute changes . What does the young Algerian believe in ? What motivates him or her and what does he or she expect from life ? The World Values Survey offers an interesting analysis , which can help policy-makers understand changes in beliefs , values , and motivations of people around the world . In Algeria , the survey was conducted twice : in March 2002 and January 2014 . The overwhelming majority of young people surveyed say they are proud to be Algerian , an opinion shared with other age categories . This feeling continues in time as the most dominant ; it has even increased slightly ( 94.8 % of youth in 2014 against 93.5 % in 2002 ). It seems that the feeling of belonging to the nation takes precedence over membership in the local community or the sense of being as a citizen of the world ; and this applies to all age categories . Among the constants that the young Algerian aged between 18 and 29 always refers to and that considerably influence the identification of his or her priorities in life , three values stand out : family , religion , and work , with scores of 90.3 %, 89.5 %, and 75.2 %, respectively . Leisure and friends were also cited but with smaller proportions . Besides , associations and non-profit organizations are not well seen by young people , with the exception of humanitarian associations , which register a significant confidence score of 44 %.
OIL & GAS business / NUMÉRO 13 / Mars 2016 / 55