Ogden Owlett volume 1 May 9,2014 | Page 4



From rape to homelessness to starvation these girls still get up and dream of going to school someday. According to the movie girl rising, 50 countries don’t have free schooling. Ruksana was born and raised on the streets,but still found time for happiness,food, and most importantly education. Some of the subjects that today’s Americans may find to be boring,Ruksana took great interest in them to stay out of poverty and to please her father. Girls with 8 years education are 4 times less likely to be married off as child. Raven Grant says,“Watching this movie has made me realize how materialistic we are.”

Girl Rising gives a completely different aspect on the roles of women and what many are used for in the world. In America most schools are free and no money for the essentials, such as books. In other countries many don’t get that luxury. They would have to pay for books, uniforms, and school, so when parents have children it is very rare that the girls would go to school, the parents would instead send off their eldest son to get his education. Many cared so little about the growth of women. According to them they are just here for childbirth.