Office Bullying and Harassment Policy Volume Nov 2013 | Page 4

3. Roles and responsibilities Venus Furniture Ltd is responsible for ensuring workplace investigation procedures are followed. Workers are expected to cooperate with investigators and provide any details of incidents they have experienced or witnessed. The supervisors will conduct investigations and provide a written report with conclusions to Jessie Wang. If external investigators are hired, they will conduct investigations and provide a written report with conclusions to Jessie Wang. 4. Follow-up The alleged bully and alleged target will be advised of the investigation findings by the supervisors. Following an investigation, the supervisors will review and revise workplace procedures to prevent any future bullying and harassment incidents in the workplace. Appropriate corrective actions will be taken within a reasonable time frame. In appropriate circumstances, workers may be referred to the employee assistance program or be encouraged to seek medical advice. 5. Record-keeping requirements Venus Furniture Ltd expects that workers will keep written accounts of incidents to submit with any complaints. Venus Furniture Ltd will keep a written record of investigations, including the findings. 6. Annual review These procedures will be reviewed annually. All workers will be provided with a copy as soon as they are hired, and copies will be available at the offices in Richmond. Date created Annual review date November 1, 2013 November 1, 2013