Office Bullying and Harassment Policy Volume Nov 2013 | Page 5
Venus Furniture Ltd
Workplace bullying and harassment
reporting procedures
1. How to report
Workers at Venus Furniture Ltd can report incidents or complaints of workplace
bullying and harassment verbally or in writing. When submitting a written
complaint, please use the workplace bullying and harassment complaint form.
When reporting verbally, the reporting contact, along with the complainant, will fill
out the complaint form.
2. When to report
Incidents or complaints should be reported as soon as possible after experiencing or
witnessing an incident. This allows the incident to be investigated and addressed
3. Reporting contact
Report any incidents or complaints to the supervisor.
4. Alternate reporting contact
If the employer or the complainant’s supervisor named in Step 3 is the person
engaging in bullying and harassing behavior, contact WorkSafe BC.
5. What to include in a report
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