Office Bullying and Harassment Policy Volume Nov 2013 | 页面 3
Venus Furniture Ltd
Workplace bullying and harassment
investigation procedures
1. How and when investigations will be conducted
Most investigations at Venus Furniture Ltd will be conducted internally. In complex or
sensitive situations, an external investigator might be hired.
Investigations will:
be undertaken promptly and diligently, and be as thorough as necessary, given the
be fair and impartial, providing both the complainant and respondent equal treatment in
evaluating the allegations
be sensitive to the interests of all parties involved, and maintain confidentiality
be focused on finding facts and evidence, including interviews of the complainant,
respondent, and any witnesses
incorporate, where appropriate, any need or request from the complainant or
respondent for assistance during the investigation process
2. What will be included
Investigations will include interviews with the alleged target, the alleged bully, and any
witnesses. If the alleged target and the alleged bully agree on what happened, then Venus
Furniture Ltd will not investigate any further, and will determine what corrective action to
take, if necessary.
The investigator will also review any evidence, such as emails, handwritten notes,
photographs, or physical evidence like vandalized objects.