Odyssey Magazine Issue 1, 2016 | Page 86

reviews SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome Mary Beard Profile Books • 978 1 8466 8380 0 This one is clearly for the history buffs, especially those with a strong leaning towards academia. Covering over 1 000 years of Roman history in some 600 pages, this is no light read nor does it skim over the complex and confounding story that is the rise and fall of this once great empire. You will not find a clearer and more thorough coverage of Rome than this – and it's readable too. Sex on Earth Jules Howard Bloomsbury • 978 1 4081 9343 3 National Geographic describes this one as a 'refreshingly self-aware exploration of the most intimate moments in nature', which pretty well sums it up. The subtitle is: A Journey Through Nature's Most Intimate Moments, confirming the NG was probably on the right track with its assessment. Covering everything from pandas and pelicans (both featured on the cover) to just about every other creature that engages in mating and sexual reproduction, this book strips away any illusions one might have held about the nature of sex, its role in evolution as a primary driver and why just about everything more evolved ODYSSEY 86 •  DIGIMAG than an amoeba engages in this activity. Great for the naturalists and anyone wanting to really understand why sexuality and humanity will never be divorced, no matter how far we evolve. The Great Scientists in BiteSized Chunks Nicola Chalton & Meredith MacArdle Michael O'Mara Books • 978 1 7824 3414 6 This great little books, with its rather cute Victorian-feel dust cover, spans 2 500 years of scientific discoveries and the great scientists behind them. Some you will obviously know – like Newton or Einstein – but there are plenty of surprises too, like Aryabhata, who weirdly outlined trigonometry in verse or 15th century rabbi Abraham Zacuto, whose prediction of a lunar eclipse saved the life of Christopher Columbus. This is one of those books which will either appeal or not, but if the former, there many gems to be found within these pages. Stress Gone! Bridget Edwards Expand Your Mind Publishers 978 1 7720 4306 8 The subtitle of this one is: How to Identify and Reduce Stress Easily. Given the current circumstances of planet Earth and that of the great majority of its human occupants, the claims of both title and subtitle might be an over-reach. However, there cannot be any harm in pointing out, to those very few who do not already know this intimately, that stress can have extremely serious and deleterious effects on one's health, well-being and state of mind and consciousness. That being said, there are no doubt some lessons to be learnt in this book for everyone, even those among us who are working hard at reducing our stress levels – or at least on their degree of reactivity to the all-pervading stresses that seem to be multiplying and invading every corner of just about everyone's life. To All The People Of the Planet Brett Austin Reach Publishers • 978 0 6206 4469 3 On one level this is a book about a grossly overweight man who starting eating and living correctly and consequently lost 45kgs, thereby claiming back his self-esteem, his life and his sense of purpose. On another level it is a missive to everyone on a better way of living that may well be generally applicable. Chapters include, You Are What You Eat, Perseverance is 100% Self Control and Tune In To a Powerful Frequency.