Odyssey Magazine Issue 1, 2016 | Page 85

 2 The Third Chimpanzee (for young people) Jared Diamond Oneworld Books • 978 1 7807 4748 4 Pulitzer Prize-winner Diamond presents in this fine and stimulating book an overview of how the human animal has risen from a rough equality with our fellow great apes to become the primary species of the planet. In a sweeping assessment of how we got to be who we are today, Diamond also looks at what we are doing that doesn't work (any more) and what changes are needed for the species to make it to the next level of our ongoing evolution. Excellent and scientifically sound, this one is for those who wish to see the bigger picture through a well-educated scientist's eyes. 7 Letters & 7 Years and Stand Mandisa Mndela Jacana Media • 978 1 4314 2223 4 & 978 1 4314 2222 7 'We rejoice in our suffering because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance produces faith and faith never fails us.' This, in summary is the philosophy of this local woman. She has turned adversity and hardship into the triumph of the spirit. In these two autobiographical books, she explains how she has journeyed through hard times to a deeper understand of herself, and therefore her fellow humans and of the universe in which we find ourselves. Excellent for a refreshing take on dealing with our troubles in a way that makes us stronger and better people. The Greatness in You Seanaphoka Tsapi Reach Publishers • 978 0 8697 0775 3 The author says this book has been written with the sole objective to inspire, motivate, encourage and empower you to reach your optimum potential while discovering the unlimited possibilities of your life. Described as 'an unconventionally classic self-help book', the subtitle is: 'How unleashing your infinite potential unlocks infinite possibilities for you.' While there are few hyperboles thrown in there, the book does indeed set out to achieve what the author intends. As with all such self-help literature, the end result, however, depends much more on the application of these and other known ways to develop yourself than it does on the strategies and methodologies described. But this one might be just the one that resonates for you. Hey! Who Am I Really? Conversations on the Nature of Life and Reality Yacoob Moosa Self Published with Reach Publishing 978 0 6206 5209 4 Written as a Socratic dialogue between the lead character, Ahmed, a young university student, and, for the most part, his father, this book is set within the context of Islam and tries to use the Koran's spiritual teaching to frame today's world, as seen through a younger person's eyes. It's an excellently novel way of conveying to both non-Muslims and practicing Muslims much of the deep wisdom of those teachings, using original Arabic script with translations thereof to make the vital points along the way. A fresh take on the universe and its maker, with a distinctly modern spin but firmly based in Islamic tradition. This one is also an excellent way for those not versed in the Koran to get to grips with the elements of that faith little mentioned by the maniac mullahs who want to revert 1 000 years to a time of Crusaders and Infidels invading their holy places. We have TWO copies of Hey! Who am I Really? to give away. Simply send your full contact details to silke@ odysseymagazine.co.za to stand a chance of winning. ODYSSEY 85 •  DIGIMAG