Odyssey Magazine Issue 1, 2016 | Page 7

money and who they elect as their leaders. present are deeply uncomfortable for the greater part of Even with all the negatives listed above, and which are humanity. causing so much fear, there are so many positives that No doubt there will be much thrashing about, more we could not possibly list them here – it would just take conflict and mayhem and continuing idiocy in high places up too much space. and low. But that does not mean that what is happening The very fact that these words can be written, and read, is not all for the good. literally around the world is part of that. There is an In fact, Odyssey has been pointing out for years, decades undeniable crying out around the planet for more equality even, that this process was inevitable, that it was between sexes, more equitable distribution of wealth and imminent and, now, that it is upon us. access to health care, more respect for nature and the But we have also been saying that we should stay planet's diminishing resource – and, in the end, when all as calm as possible amid this great storm of change, the words for the changes we are seeing are synthesised remembering even when the howling winds of discord into a single concept, for more awakened consciousness. and dissent shake us to our roots, that what we are Despite all its pain and difficulty – and there is no lack of witnessing is the birth of a great and golden age of much either of those aspects – this is the dawn of the time that increased wisdom and insight. humanity has always dreamed of; a time when people, Why do we say that? Because the very processes which no matter what their circumstances, may become the have been here described, painful and worrying as they fullness of the promise of each new baby's first howl are, are also the very same that any woman who has as it emerges from the womb into this still gorgeously given birth can testify are experienced when a new babe beautiful world. comes into the world. People speak of saving the planet. But the planet, despite There is fear and anxiety, pain almost beyond endurance our human depredations, will be just fine. If humanity, and the whole process is literally a life and death affair. as a collective, is foolish enough to fail to heed the very But when that newly-arrived child, filled with all the obvious signs that say a major change in conduct and possibilities held dear by virtually every man and woman thinking is required for us to survive, more or less intact, who has ever breathed, is safely swaddled and in its then we simply won't. And when our species crashes – mother's arms at last, then we know that it was all worth perhaps even permanently, or to the point where the it. survivors of such stupidity are thrown back into the stone And so it is for all of us as we watch the next great new age – then Mother Nature, or Gaia, if you prefer, will era for humanity, and the planet itself, dawn. quickly recover. Therefore we say to you all, our good and gracious It is not so much the planet that is at risk, though readers, be as peaceful as you can manage, as positive we might just be dumb enough to detonate nuclear as you can be, and as hopeful as your conditions and warheads on each other, but it is human civilisation and your awareness of what is coming will allow – and know its many and varied cultures which may be damaged that all is well, despite the doom, gloom and naysayers' beyond repair. predictions. Yet, despite this possibility, the signs are that there is a The sun will rise tomorrow and life will go on. It is up to global awakening sufficient to ensure that the worst will each one of us to ensure that it is we who measure up not happen; and perhaps, in spite of ongoing fear-based to the promise that each new day brings so that every thinking and greed-driven short-sightedness, we might new life that comes into this world has a better future to even be seeing enough people in enough places choosing look forward to. to make deep enough changes that something far better than a worst-case scenario will unfold in our lifetimes. Sure, the planet is warming faster than we can quit our carbon addiction. And certainly the upheavals of the In Peace, Love & Light Silke & her team ODYSSEY 7 •  DIGIMAG