Odyssey Magazine Issue 1, 2016 | Page 8

INSIGHTSOUT RETURN TO ORIGIN Take a tour of one of the most ecologically rich coastlines in the world, False Bay, which is designated a Mission Blue Hope Spot. Award-winning documentary filmmaker Craig Foster educates the crew on the inhabitants of this ecosystem, and guides them through t he chilly waters to experience kelp forests, sharks and other marine life. Watch the video below, or click here for more. PROVING GOD A new documentary film series is being produced by filmmaker Frank Huguenard that focuses on healing and consciousness. The first film in the series, The Physics of The Soul has just been released and makes a clear, logical and convincing argument for how the conventional worldview for any biological organism is inherently incomplete without accounting for a conscious, innately intelligent, vital force governing homeostasis and regulating health. The film features such notables as Dr Bill Bengston, Dr Larry Dossey, Marilyn Schlitz, PhD, Dr Norm Shealy, Adam Curry, Bruce Lipton PhD, Garrett Moddel PhD, William Tiller PhD, Dr Stuart Hameroff and author Gary Zukav. The film, which is intended for a mainstream audience, takes a look at placebos, studies in consciousness and some of the history of modern science, but it’s real strength comes in the form of questioning the legitimacy of experimental design. Said Huguenard about his approach to the film: 'I didn’t want to do yet another film on random number generators and double slit experiments, that’s been done over and over again.' Rather than attempt to prove scientifically things that can’t possibly ever be proven, such as reincarnation, out of body experiences, near death experiences and so forth, the film instead argues that materialism itself has been falsified. See the trailer below. Everything is Connected The video above is a talk by Tom Chi who explores how, at a fundamental level, we are all deeply connected. By merging biology, cosmology, physics and chemistry, Tom shows how we influence each other far more than we might think. In other words, Tom looks at the idea of human connectivity from a scientific point of view across time and space – bringing a tangible aspect to the age-old, spiritual idea that we are one. Tom Chi is one of the most brilliant people in America. He was one of the early co-founders of Google X and built the first Google glass prototype. If there is light in the soul, there will be beauty in the person. If there is beauty in the person, there will be harmony in the house. If there is harmony in the house, there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.' - Chinese Proverb ODYSSEY 8 •  DIGIMAG