Odyssey Magazine Issue 1, 2016 | Page 6

editorial ODYSSEY 6 •  DIGIMAG 2016 began with a bang. Wild stock-market swings and some major crashes, notably China's. Currency and exchange rates moving in equally exaggerated and unpredictable ways. recent COP21 conference hold-out nations like the The global economy staggering along, its future thought for the consequences both immediate and uncertain. Oil has come tumbling down to sensible long-term, is on its way out. figures, but consumers are, for the most part and in In its place is coming a new way of being – but the most places, including here in South Africa, not seeing chaos is such that it is hard to see and hear the birth the benefit. Donald Trump, despite a loss in the of that new way through all the confusion and noise opening round of the US Presidential party nomination caused by the dying throes of the increasingly useless battles, is still riding high – at least in his own mind and damaging 'old order'. and that of his weirdly loyal supporters – presenting Which is what makes things appear very complex, the planet with the truly awful aspect of 'The Donald' because what part of what we see and hear each day, and bizarre hairstyle strutting about the world stage as the world around us changes at a rate never before pumped up with arrogance and aggression. Syria experienced by humanity, is to be warmly welcomed remains a disaster zone, with refugees fleeing in and which are to be thrown into the waste-bin of ever-greater numbers to overwhelmed neighbouring history? states and to ever-more conservative European No-one, or at least, hardly anyone, seems to know. countries, some of which are on the verge of And so most people, including many who read this closing their borders. Putin continues to flex his magazine, are confused, anxious and deeply worried bullying muscles to show that Russia is resurgent in for their children's lives – and even their own lives international geo-politics. and livelihoods. All this while at home things are sliding from bad to Such is the nature of global change at the most worse as far as governance and proper administration fundamental level – the level, in this instance, of the goes – as readers of this edition will discover when human consciousness which gave birth to the old way they read our definitive story on what exactly is of seeing in which the entire universe was 'made for happening with regards to the Zuma government mankind' to exploit and despoil as 'he' saw fit. trying to make out that dietary supplements and The new consciousness speaks instead of 'man' – healing herbs, most of which have been used for being a hold-over of a paternalistic, male-dominated centuries and millennia with complete safety, are past which, to be frank, cannot be over soon enough suddenly equivalent to thalidomide. – but of humankind, with the emphasis on the 'kind' So what on Earth – or in Heaven or even Hell, for that part of that word. Instead of the standard 'he', or the matter – is going on? masculine form in all instances, people are realising It is a good question and not merely on South the power of the archetypal 'she', the feminine divine, Africans' lips, but on those of many people around so long suppressed in Western culture and still so in the world. large parts of the world. The answer is both simple and complex. The simple In the new awareness, both men and women are part is that we are literally witnessing the death of being called to rise to a much higher order of ethics a system of economics, politics and a way of doing and thoughtfulness about how they live their lives, 'business as usual' which is so outdated that at the what they do with their time, how they spend their United States and Australia had, finally, to admit that global warming was not only real, but that it was upon us already and causing widespread devastation. The old way, in which mankind treats the natural world and its inhabitants, and routinely many members of our own species, as mere resources to be utilised, ravished, depleted and discarded at will, without