Odyssey Magazine Issue 1, 2016 | Page 30

because of the lack of knowledge – few, if any medical heavy penalties for use in cases such as Sofie's. Are you journals have been prepared to go out on a limb and still with us? And this was only in the US. Could it be that publish positive results of medical cannabis applications, the medical world today is experiencing a paradigm shift, though this is changing with increasing pace of late. but is not yet aware of it? If one follows the story of cannabis as a medicine, then one knows that there are globally-respected scientists Change is coming who are having remarkably contradictory – to the There is indeed an undeniable shift in the world's conventional attitude – views on cannabis as a medicine medical establishment towards seeing the wide range (see this article for more on this subject). As bizarre as of conditions not well helped, or in some instance not it may sound, if you are looking for a qualified doctor in helped at all, by conventional treatments, but which are Western medicine that recognises the medical properties well-documented to have been significantly improved or of cannabis (specifically the oil) you will probably find one even cured by cannabis. Even President Obama said in in the US rather then in Belgium (or South Africa or many a documentary by neurosurgeon Dr Sanjay Gupta that other countries). one should follow the science in the case of medicinal The story is more complex because, while a growing cannabis and not one's political ideology. number of US States, as well as doctors throughout the US, When I asked Mr Voncken about the impression are recognising the medical value of cannabis, the Federal he had on the knowledge about cannabis (oil) among authorities there are still stuck somewhere in the medical the doctors, professors and other medical caregivers past, 'fighting the war on drugs'. This is ironic when it is he met on his way to finding a form of relief for his considered that fully one third of all hospitalisations and daughter, his answer was: 'They know zero point zero deaths under medical treatment occur because iatrogenic about medicinal cannabis.' This ignorance explains why (meaning doctor- or treatment-caused) factors, mostly there is no real scientific debate on medical cannabis in the side-effects of properly administered conventional Belgium. Ignorance reigns. But, even in Belgium, cracks allopathic (Western-style) drug regimes. Twenty-three are starting to appear in this wall of ignorance. There is of the USA's 50 states now have a medical program a non-profit association called Medcan which is fighting based on cannabis running on state level. This means to have medicinal cannabis legalised. Contacts between that a patient with a prescription from a doctor can Medcan, uni ٕ