Odyssey Magazine Issue 1, 2016 | Page 29

The Vonckens story grabs us undeniably as humans. It also presents us with a scientific paradox. To begin with, we must realise that science has been given a 'divine halo' in the modern Western world – it is the 'new religion', especially medical science for those with life-threatening and intractable diseases such as Sofie's. that the brain waves were much more stable. In fact, it this way, and 'Professor Y' sees it in a complete other they had never been so stable. But for the doctors and way. Both are undoubtedly very educated people but professors in Leuven it was not enough evidence to say their conclusions can vary in a significant way and both that the cannabis oil worked. To conclude this, they want conclusions are called 'scientific' (usually because, with Sophie to be off all medication, only using the cannabis oil medical treatments, they have conducted the standard and then undergoing another 24-hour EEC. Presumably, double-blind, placebo-controlled, peer-reviewed trials). In this test will be carried out within a few months and will today's pharmacology and medicine, treatment protocols provide the doctors with new information – and perhaps, are not based solely on the science but also on ideological )