Odyssey Magazine Issue 1, 2016 | Page 28

The Vonckens risk a judicial punishment for having and administering cannabis oil to their very sick daughter. 'We risk seven years imprisonment,' Jean-Pierre acknowledges. But as severe as such a punishment may be he seems not to be especially bothered. On the contrary, the man does not hesitate to tell his family story to the media. enough for 70 days of treatment. relentless restlessness that left her exhausted. Following time for the family.. From September 2014 until May the cannabis oil treatments, she has much more energy 2015, when the cannabis oil treatment started along with and the focus to continue her positive developmental a drastic reduction in most of her regular medications, progress. And last, but not least, since the beginning were 'very heavy' for Sofie's parents and the child herself. of the cannabis oil treatment she needed no more 'It seemed like we were on a non-stop hospital admissions traumatising hospitalisations. These positive changes routine,' says Jean-Pierre. 'During this time Sofie floated in Sofie's health status are not an illusion – numerous more than once between life and death,' he adds. But other family members and acquaintances echo what her then came the day of the first drop of cannabis oil, May parents are saying. 27, 2015. 'From the first drop, the effect was spectacular. Noticeably, her doctors and those involved with her We are very confident that it is the cannabis oil that is former conventional treatment are deadly silent on the the cause of our daughter's health improvement. We are subject of her near-miraculous recovery using a substance now seeing a playful child, a child that wants to discover that many doctors are either wary of or outright afraid of the world and spontaneously takes books. All of this was because it remains illegal in their country – or they simply new to us.' don't know about its positive effects on this and a variety Tremendous progress During the four months Sofie used cannabis oil prior to •  DIGIMAG of other intractable conditions, or perhaps because they just don't want to know about such effects. my interview with her parents she had made tremendous Punishment progress. She stopped almost all of her conventional but Nevertheless the Vonckens risk judicial punishment for non-working medications. Only a benzodiazepine, which administering cannabis oil to their very sick daughter. 'We must be phased out very gradually, was still part of her risk seven years imprisonment,' Jean-Pierre acknowledges. medical regime because an immediate stop can initiate But as severe as such a punishment may be he seems unwanted side-effects caused by withdrawal from the not to be especially bothered. On the contrary, while his drug which she had been taking three times a day. At behaviour may be technically unlawful and could provoke the time of writing she was nearly completely off this possible imprisonment, the man does not hesitate to tell medication too, taking a much-reduced dose once a day his family story to the media. and was due to come off it altogether. In addition, a little 'We do this openly. First of all, we want to help our girl who had almost stood still for four years in terms of daughter Sofie, but we want also to reach other parents cognitive and motor development now not only plays, of children with epilepsy and inform them about the moves and discovers things, but she is even going to possibility of using cannabis oil. But I also always try school as well. This is only possible because, although to persuade them to do this under the supervision of a she still has little epileptic seizures once in a while, they doctor.' are very few and she is sometimes spared of them for ODYSSEY 28 hours were filled with severe epileptic seizures and The period that preceded this event was an intense days and even weeks. Moreover, her nights are now Medical proof finally revitalising – as opposed to the previous period In July 2015, six weeks after starting the cannabis oil, under conventional treatment during which her nighttime a new 24-hour EEC collected from Sofie showed clearly