Sofie Voncken (with glasses) with her twin sister Sara and parents
that such a diet was the last thing he could imagine would
this Belgian academic hospital the decision-makers didn't
help Sofie. But her long-suffering parents tried it anyway.
want to honour this request of a very anxious father and
The ketogenic diet should have shown improvement after
there was nothing left for the Vonckens other than giving
10-12 days, but there was none. The diet finally lasted 27
Sofie cannabis oil in their home by themselves.
days and still did not bring the least relief. 'It's criminal
Consequent to the obvious inability of the conventional
what my daughter had to endure during this diet,' says
treatment options to help his daughter and to treat her
the father, clearly affected. By then even the medical
condition, Jean-Pierre had for some time been browsing
team treating Sofie was becoming distraught, especially
the internet not just to study his daughter's illness, but
when they had to inform her parents that, as medical
also to search for possible alternative treatments that
professionals, they were out of options.
had delivered a favorable outcome in epilepsy anywhere
'They told us to prepare ourselves for the worst.
in the world.
This is not something you want to hear as a parent,'
In time, he discovered parents in the same predicament
said Jean-Pierre. Fortunately Sofie's parents had one last
as he, most of them in the United States. As a last resort,
option of their own – one that none of the medical team
these parents had given their epileptic children cannabis
treating her were aware of and which the hospital where
oil, which has no intoxicating side-effects, and the results
she was being treated, when they heard what this option
were almost universally amazing. Also via the internet,
was, wanted nothing to do with it.
Jean-Pierre met another Belgian family with an epileptic
Cannabis oil – the last option
child and who also had not had favourable response to
conventional medications. This family had used – albeit
Jean-Pierre had told them the last option to help his
illegally – cannabis oil to treat their sick child and they
daughter was cannabis oil. He had even suggested
too reported amazing results. So at the moment that the
to them that they should give cannabis oil to Sofie in
doctors in the hosp