Odyssey Magazine Issue 1, 2016 | Page 31

The Heemskerk Declaration Fields of Green for ALL (FOGFA), a local non-profit company that engages with policy-makers in order to construct South Africa’s cannabis future in all of its varied facets, was honoured to be invited to the Global Forum of Producers of Prohibited Plants (GFPPP) held in Heemskerk, The Netherlands, recently. They joined 60 farmers and their representatives from 14 countries in an old castle for three days of intense dialogue and shared experiences. All present were concerned with the dire consequences of the prohibition of the coca leaf, the opium poppy and the cannabis plant. We take a look. T  he outcome of the forum is contained with The louder and louder. With the help of an Eastern Cape Heemskerk Declaration and this is a seminal environmental attorney, FOGFA have joined with other document outlining the plight and demands organisations in the area to begin the legal process of of farmers affected by the failed 'war on drugs'. Our holding the SAPS to account for their actions. You can discussion groups were guided by researchers and read the letter here and we will inform everyone of the facilitators from the Transnational Institute (TNI) and the progress of our communication. process was democratic and flawless, especially given the Myrtle & Green Network member, Dr Marlon Germon, number of languages and cultures present at the forum. attended RUN2016, a conference on drug policy that is More about the forum on the GFPPP Facebook page. part of South African Drug Policy Week took place in Cape The delegates were divided into groups and given Town from at the beginning of February. FOGFA were themes and questions to guide the process. The main given the opportunity to speak at a dedicated Cannabis themes dealt with were: side event and Myrtle addressed the forced eradication • Forced Crop Eradication issue and also gave feedback from the GFPPP and an • Traditional and Medicinal Uses outline of 'The Trial of the Plant'. • Sustainable Rural Development & Political Economy • Drugs & Conflict It is imperative that we make our voices heard ahead of the United Nations General Assembly Special Session In preparation for this forum, FOGFA compiled a on Drugs (UNGASS) to be held in New York in April 2016. comprehensive report on Forced Crop Eradication in The Trial of the Plant remains the only way to force our South Africa, which suggests that the South African government to hear the truth about cannabis but we will police use the international conventions as an excuse for find ourselves at a crossroads when it comes to actually the continued poisoning of our land and its citizens with changing the law. This is the job of the government and glyphosate sprayed from helicopters. Many of you will now is the time to engage with policy-makers from all have seen our short documentary from February 2015 over the world to make sure that we map the road ahead 'Police in Helicopters'. South Africa is the only country that very carefully. O still uses aerial spraying for illicit crop eradication. This is an issue that needs to be shouted about, Visit for more http://fieldsofgreenforall.org.za/ ODYSSEY 31 •  DIGIMAG