OCT2024-WSCASpotlight | Page 7

WSCA Digital Spotlight www . wsca . org 2024 - October - 7

WSCA Board Meeting Minutes

Publicity : Lori Taylor
The 2023-2024 court members shared that they had a great experience volunteering at special Olympics . The Royalty Banquet is coming up on Friday , with 13 contestants . Sara and Reanna will be working at Equimania at the state fair . They have a couple more parades to attend this year as well .
Royalty : Bridget Behrns
Absent . Report read by Liz . On track for upcoming Royalty banquet . Contestants have been updated on what they need for arrival as well as the current court . Finalizing printing material and seating chart and confirming judges today . There will be 138 people scheduled to attend between judges , contestants , current court and guests . Bridget has begun her duties for champ show as well . Lori will be at the banquet all day to help Bridget .
Rulebook : Cindy Ladd Nothing to report . Safety Committee : Corey Swartout
Absent . He is in for Champ show . Scholarship : Julie Gintner
21 scholarship applicants . The judges certainly had their work cut out for them this year . Julie would like to recommend that 4 scholarships be awarded at $ 1200 each , 2 given to new graduates and 2 given to prior graduates .
Motion was made by Amber Duncanson , seconded by Karson , to follow Julie ’ s recommendation of 4 scholarships at $ 1200 each , given to 2 new graduates and 2 prior graduates . Motion carried unanimously .
Old Business :
-2024 Banquet Planning- Julia has been working on a rough draft program as well as a short list for an MC . If anyone is interested in being MC , let Julia know .
New Business :
Board members discussed how to remind club ’ s of WSCA ’ s mission , and how this carries into WSCA shows . An embroidery company wants to sell grooming towels , and asked for permission to put WSCA ’ s logo on the towels . James is asking for Board ’ s feedback , and do we ask for 10 % sales commission , which we receive from our t-shirt vendor .
Motion was made by Amber Duncason , seconded by Julie Gintner , that if a vendor wants to use WSCA ’ s logo for merchandise , they have to buy a sponsorship and we will charge a 10 % sales commission . Motion carried unanimously .
Adjournment : Motion made by Steve Bobzin , seconded by Paul Hansen to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:05pm . Motion carried unanimously .
An executive session was called to order by President James Duenow at 8:10pm . All board members were in attendance . Motion to adjourn at 8:30pm made by Keith Sather , seconded by Amber Duncason . Motion carried unanimously .
Next Board Meeting : September 4 , 2024 Western Saddle Clubs Association , Inc . Board Meeting Minutes , August 14 , 2024 Submitted by Liz Bauer , WSCA Executive Secretary