OCT2024-WSCASpotlight | Page 6

6 - October - 2024 www . wsca . org WSCA Digital Spotlight

WSCA Board Meeting Minutes

Committee Reports : Championship Horse Show : James Duenow
Entries have been coming in steady , about 1700 entries to date . Things are looking good so far . Back numbers are random , and they will be audited to ensure multi-horse exhibitors have enough time between horses . A list of exhibitors and back numbers will be posted ahead of time . Champ show committee and Jake are planning to get together to go over everything for champ show . A Google form has been created for the use of applications for parking / camping permits of non-exhibitors . Tim Wampfler will head stalling this year .
Computer : Jake Flodquist Working through emails as they come in regarding champshow . org .
Drills and Squares : Marlys Mooney Parking issues seem to have been resolved . Waiting for performance schedule .
Futurity : Josh Tjosaas Absent . Sponsorships are in . Entries are flowing in .
Historian : Tim Wampfler Absent . Nothing to report .
Judges : Lynn-Ellen St . Martin
Materials have been sent out to potential applicants . Evaluations are coming back from guest judges . We are down to 1 judge going through the application process . The applicants name will be going in the spotlight . Regular reminders and updates are being sent out to judges and modifying judges ’ Champ show schedule as needed . Lynn- Ellen and Josh have been working on the Futurity schedule . Lynn- Ellen has also been answering questions about the adaptive classes as they come in . Lynn-Ellen presented a possible statement to address concerns discussed at the last meeting regarding Arena Conditions and patterns . Board members were asked to take the time to review the statement and it will be reviewed at the September meeting .
Marketing & Promotions : Rachel Duenow
The new contact for Spotlight is Sara . She can be reached at wsca @ heraldjournal . com . The spotlight Champ Show Edition was sent out , and we have had good things to say about that . All forms have been updated under forms as well as Champ show on the website . We did not win the Molly ’ s buckle contest , but it was a great way to boost publicity . Sponsorships are going great , and we have just over $ 20,000 so far . Vendors are looking great and we will be pretty full . Right now , we are looking for a vendor to sponsor the bag for the Exhibitor bags . Rachel will be putting out the Code of Conduct on the FB page prior to champ show . Coliseum boxes are sold out . Keith Sather brought up the topic of people advertising on social media that they would be available at champ show to adjust horses . Some of those people are not always completing a mobile vendor application for services such as chiro , braiding / grooming . Rachel tries to catch as many as possible , Keith has tried to approach some at champ show in the past . In order to keep things fair for the vendors who are paying , it is a group effort to police this issue . A huge thank you was given to Rachel for her huge workload with Champ show this year .
Nominating : Ann Goebel
There are currently 3 interested Board candidates , and Ann is always inviting more . The current candidates interested will be posted in the September spotlight .
Procedures : Sandy Strube Nothing to report .