OBR Risings Toolkit | Page 20

In Peru , construction workers designated their sites as sexual harassment free zones .
In Mongolia , got the Ministry of Education and Science to stop virginity tests in 21 provinces and 9 districts , and helped create women-friendly environments and spaces because their OBR campaign reached 1 million people online in the country .
This year , for the first time , invited authorities attended the risings . These are the authorities who carry the role of genderbased service providers . The risings held them publicly accountable for their commitment to women and in doing so , encouraged them to do better . They are now listening to the women .
In Guatemala , helped get VAW classified as a crime against gender .
In Sierra Leone , established OBR clubs in 15 schools where ongoing discussions take place on ending violence .
In Bangladesh , changed gender traditions where girls can now play sports in open spaces – where it was only boys allowed .
In Zimbabwe , created a pro-justice movement for young women where traditional chiefs have committed to taking part in judicial proceedings to end VAW .