In Mexico , helped pass laws recognizing digital violence against women and girls as a crime , helped approve a law that protects all the date of femicide survivors , and helped reform laws to give domestic workers more rights .
In Eswatini , created over 30 OBR community circles for knowledge and skills sharing and transfer among women .
In the Democratic Republic of Congo , empowered communities to use existing laws on protection of the environment to rise against deforestation and resource extraction by foreign investors .
In Lesotho , brought knowledge of LGTBQI + rights to the people .
In New Zealand , created intergenerational supportive spaces in immigrant communities in Auckland .
In Cambodia , successfully halted the draft of a law on public order that will restrict women ’ s autonomy .
In Uganda , launched a huge street planting campaign in Migyera Town , to re-forest the entire district .
In Cape Town , South Africa , helped create the first safe houses for LGBTQI + survivors of violence ; created monthly awareness actions in communities on LGBTQI + rights , and helped create 10 humanitarian kitchens .
In Zambia , where teenage girls are still being forced into teen marriages , empowered teenage girls to report violence being done to them .
In Croatia , OBR had direct impact on legislation – femicide was recognized and seen as a separate crime in the Croatian criminal court .
In India , gave gender training to 100,000 rickshaw drivers to combat the grave sexual harassment taking place .