Obelisk 2022 | Page 36

obelisk 2022
other . Neither bore marks of the enemy . No matter what they were , they were probably dangerous . When the big one rushed at me , I estimated he would reach me in 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 . Thud .
I slowly came into consciousness , first taking note of my surroundings . I was lying on a stone slab , in a dark room . My hands were unbound , surprising since I figured I was captured by the enemy . Twelve vials lay next to me , eleven empty and one full of red liquid , labeled as WK- DNA . What these vials were for was a mystery to me , but I guessed that their purpose was something illegal . When I got up , I saw genetics equipment and some quark microscopes . A door lay directly to my left , with no keyhole . Walking towards it , I looked at the frame of the door , hoping that there would be some structural weakness that I could exploit .
However , the door slid open before I could even touch it , so I walked out . Much to my surprise , my gear hung on a peg , seemingly undamaged . My helmet was my top priority , so I reached for that first . Putting it on , I first tried to scan my location , hoping , somewhat in vain , that I was in some sort of recovery center .
No geographical positioning data available , the message flashed . I frowned and tried again . That shouldn ’ t be possible — my scanner connects to a satellite that monitors the entire planet , unless it was deactivated . I tried to call the base , again with a failed task notification . Someone must have systematically wiped all advanced functions from my helmet . I tried combat mode and was thrilled to find that it still worked . “ I could fight off an enemy ,