Obelisk 2022 | Page 35

The Experiment
the journal of literature and the arts at saint david ’ s school

The Experiment

Science Fiction Story
“ What are you doing !” the commander screamed . I ignored him and focused on my target . The battlefield . The enemy had advanced dangerously close to our base of operations , and I had a plan . We would win the war , assuming my plan worked . But defeat wasn ’ t an option for me , or my team for that matter . As I ran to the helicopter , I checked my helmet ’ s radar system for enemy signals . They were within five kilometers . Close enough to launch a bombardment . Now was the time for action , not diplomacy . My team boarded the helicopter and I relayed my plan to the pilot .
“ RH-4286 , get back here ! That ’ s an order !” I muted my helmet audio just as the commander was about to finish his rant and prepared for flight . Enemy now within 2,000 meters . “ Are you sure this is a good idea ?” asked my comrade . “ No ,” I admitted , “ but this is our best chance for victory .”
1,000 meters . “ Can we go any faster ?” I asked the pilot . “ Yes , but then we run the risk of being detected .” Suddenly , the helicopter lurched to the left as an explosion rocked the side . We began a steep descent towards the ground . Rushing to the Rocket Propelled Aerial Evacuation System ( R . P . A . E . S ) compartment , I decided there was no time for safety and jumped out of the helicopter . With the air whooshing past me , I quickly tucked into a ball and prayed for a soft landing . It wasn ’ t . Tumbling to my feet , I saw shadowy figures silhouetted against the explosion of the helicopter . One of them was much larger than the