Obelisk 2022 | Page 23

What is the Life of a Star Like ? Digital Universe Flight Study ( D . U . F . S .) Planetarium Script by Bowen Oberle and Hayden Price
the journal of literature and the arts at saint david ’ s school

What is the Life of a Star Like ? Digital Universe Flight Study ( D . U . F . S .) Planetarium Script by Bowen Oberle and Hayden Price

Welcome , space enthusiasts ! I am Bowen from the Canis Major constellation , and this is my partner Hayden , who is a black hole . By the look on your faces , I can tell you have never seen a talking star ! I am what you call a developed star , otherwise known as a Red Supergiant . Today I am going to take you down memory lane and talk about my childhood . If you think about it , humans have a similar life cycle as stars . We both go through a life cycle featuring a variety of stages from start to end . However , the life of a star is billions of years while most humans only live to about eighty . Shall we travel back in time to when I was very young , just a “ newly ” formed star ?
Scene 1 : Massive Gas Cloud
This is my birthplace , the Orion Nebula . Home sweet home ; I get nostalgic JUST thinking about it . This is a place where stars are formed . How many stars do you think it is home to ? Well , it is home to a whopping 800,000 stars as revealed by the Hubble telescope . As stars , we are the basic units of collective mass in our universe , and we are responsible for generating elements such as Carbon , Nitrogen , and Oxygen as well as Hydrogen and Helium . Our life-cycle is quite fascinating . We are formed when a massive gas cloud of mostly hydrogen contracts as a result of its gravitational forces . These giant gas balls continue to contract and an enormous pressure inside