Obelisk 2022 | Page 21

the journal of literature and the arts at saint david ’ s school
motivated O ’ Flaherty since he could only imagine what was happening to less fortunate people . He always faced adversity head-on . One example of his fervor and cunning occurred when Nazis surrounded the palace of an antifascist , Prince Filippo Doria Pamphili . Just as the SS saw O ’ Flaherty enter the building , he made a quick escape through the coal chute . With the luck of the Irish , some coal delivery men were there , and they agreed to help him sneak out of the fascist perimeter ( Seah ). When a few key people in the organization got arrested , he did not hesitate to move many people so they would not be harmed . O ’ Flaherty stayed up all night making calls to find out where the Germans raided . He deducted most of what the Nazis knew and moved many people to new locations with this knowledge . In addition , he made sure that visits to some billets were sporadic , not to tip his hand . O ’ Flaherty also did not scale back his operation in these challenging times . Instead , he grew it , seeing adversity as just a challenge , not a wall .
O ’ Flaherty forgave many people , seeing the “ good in every man ” and knowing that to deny allowing that goodness to shine would be a crime ( Seah ). He forgave everyone after the war . He helped Axis POWs and sought fair treatment for them . Hugh O ’ Flaherty also toured the prisoner of war camps run by the Americans to tell families the good news as he did before since everyone is human and deserves fundamental human rights ( Seah ). In addition , he forgave those who sinned because God would have done so , and “ there is good in every man ” ( Seah ). An agent for the good tries to make the world a better place and forgives those who have sinned . O ’ Flaherty visited his former adversary Herbert Kappler , the head of SS in Rome , while Kappler was in prison . He gave guidance and helped Kappler find the light , and