Obelisk 2022 | Page 20

obelisk 2022
as Isaiah says ( Isa . 1:17 ). His actions show his dedication to helping others and trying to do good .
Time is one of the only commodities that is impossible to get back , so it is a precious gift to give . Hugh O ’ Flaherty not only used his position to hide these people , but he devoted his time in public and in his office to show people he cared . In the autumn of 1943 , a family in distress approached him and offered a gold chain in exchange for hiding their son . Hugh O ’ Flaherty ’ s selfless nature compelled him to do more ; he disguised the parents as a priest and a nun and hid the child in an orphanage . When liberation day came , he returned the gold chain and reunited the family ( Murphy ). Once , an Italian woman asked him if he could find her son , who was a P . O . W . somewhere in England , and tell him his father had died . In April of 1945 , O ’ Flaherty decided to visit home . While he made his travel plan , he decided he would find the woman ’ s son . Just as O ’ Flaherty was coming home for a visit , an article ran in the London Gazette about him and his crew and an honor they had received . Using his newfound clout , he tracked down the son in Chelmsford , Essex , told him the bad news , and spent the entire day consoling him ( Fleming 174 ). This is just one of the numerous times O ’ Flaherty did things like this since he was committed to “ Tak [ ing ] up the cause of the fatherless ; [ and ] plead [ ing ] the case of the widow ” ( Isa . 1:17 ). O ’ Flaherty learned anyone could dedicate their time in a period of prosperity and comfort , but agents for the good can dedicate themselves even in times of adversity .
In times of uncertainty , O ’ Flaherty overcame adversity with resilience and fervor since people relied on him . O ’ Flaherty faced three attempts at hustling him over the white line and some fake POWs trying to lead him into an ambush ( Fleming 131-134 ). Instead of deterring him , these attempts