NWTC Service-Learning and Civic Engagement 2018-2019 | Page 33

If you, your family, friends, business, department, classroom, school, organization, or chapter would like to embrace the to all involved in the effort. “Kudos to all who joined hand ‘n ‘ heart with us this holiday season to continue making this campaign possible for the beyond-deserving hospitalized pediatric population. YOU are the difference, donors … Thank you!” opportunity to be a part of the SNA’s Books ‘n’ Blankets effort to serve the community’s hospitalized young population, please visit booksnblankets.weebly.com for more information. The NWTC SNA students also participate in multiple other service projects on an annual basis, such as the Apple a Day fundraiser educating the campus on health and nutrition and hosting campus- wide family movie nights. According to Albers, “It was important to take this time to volunteer not just because we had to put in hours, but to also provide for our community in a way that nurses know best. Volunteering your time is important because it shows you are putting the patient first. Hopefully, these blankets will provide care and comfort to the children receiving them, but also for the families knowing that there are people to take the time out of the day to care for their child they never knew.” 32