NWTC Service-Learning and Civic Engagement 2018-2019 | Page 32
SNA students rally the
community to encourage
hospitalized children.
The mission of NWTC’s Student Nurses
Association (SNA) program is to provide
support and encouragement to all
students in the nursing program, to foster
leadership skills among students, and
to make a positive impact on members,
schools and surrounding communities.
Children’s Hospital, Aurora
Baycare Medical Center, and
Bellin Hospital where they are
distributed to pediatric patients.
Each fall, the SNA launches another year
of its hallmark service outreach project,
Books ‘n’ Blankets for Pediatrics. They
collect donations of books, blankets, and
material to create new blankets during
events where students and community
members put together fleece tie blankets. “One thing that makes books
and blankets so important is the
fact that these blankets we tied are
going to sick children. It is always scary
to be staying in a hospital, whether you
are an adult or a child. These blankets will
hopefully bring comfort to a child admitted
at a hospital.” 2nd year Associate Degree
Nursing student, Sam Albers expressed
when asked to reflect on their experience.
These events are also opportunities
to create individual “care bundles”
that include a new handmade tie
blanket and accompanying new age-
appropriate books nestled alongside. For the first time, in 2018 the SNA
brought the Books ‘n’ Blankets movement
to Lambeau Field for the Green Bay
EMPOWER event encouraging middle
school children to pursue leadership skills.
These packages are then delivered to
three of the district’s major pediatric-
serving hospitals: HSHS St. Vincent After a successful 2018 Books N Blankets
campaign, NWTC Nursing instructor
Stephanie M. Fritsch expressed gratitude