Nutrien Ag Solutions Seed Guide 2021 | Page 40

evaluations are second to none. Positioning our strong genetics helping growers maximize returns. These varieties contain the st tough pest problems with a specific solution in all maturities. The DEFENSIVE TRAITS PHYTO- PHTHORA WHITE MOULD IRON DEFICIENCY CHLOROSIS SOYBEAN CYST NEMATODE Rps1c G G R Rps1k VG E R Rps1k G G R Tall variety excellent y soybean a fertile soils PV 22s002 emergenc with good resistance This tall bu wide row for reliable Field tolerance VG VG S PV 10s005 the wester Genuity RR Rps1c E E R PV 19s006 This defen tolerance, resistance Field tolerance G G S PV 12s007 Seed’s soy branchy p River Valle INOCULANT CLASS CORN CEREALS PEAS & LENTILS SOYBEANS So-Fast ® XL Liquid Establish ® XL Granular Liquid Inoculant Granular Inoculant (SCG)