Nutrien Ag Solutions Seed Guide 2021 | Page 39

engthen our soybean portfolio across all soybean regions in industry leading agronomic expertise, we position soybeans as ing option for western Canadian farms. Leading edge product ONOMIC TRAITS RBICIDE RAITS EMERGENCE STANDABILITY PLANT HEIGHT RR2X G E Tall RR2X E VG Tall RR2X E G Tall RR2Y G VG Medium/Tall RR2X G VG Medium RR2X G VG Tall RR2Y= , RR2X= ts and inoculants enable crops to achieve ic potential S DESCRIPTION A new and unique seed treatment, designed to promote early germination and quicker root development in pulse crops, CONSENSUS L provides faster emergence, healthier stands, plant stress resistance and higher yield potential. For use on cereal crops, Cover 2 seed treatment combines two fungicides that provide both contact and systemic activity against a broad-spectrum of both seed- and soil-borne diseases. Seed protectant for use on wheat, barley, oats, rye, triticale, flax, corn, dry common beans, snap common beans, peas, lentils and soybeans. Contains carbathiin and thiram for the control of smuts, common bunt, dwarf bunt, leaf stripe, seed rots and seedling blights, and suppression of root rot.