Nutrien Ag Solutions Seed Guide 2021 | Page 41

in specific zones where they perform the best, ultimately rongest technology options allowing growers to overcome excitement is building around Proven Seed soybeans. DESCRIPTION with excellent standability make this ultra-early soybean easy to harvest. With ield for maturity and Phytophthora and SCN resistance, this RR2X Proven Seed llows production west of traditional soybean growing areas. Ideal for light under narrow row production. R2X boasts strong and stable yields across multiple environments. Excellent e for Manitoba and eastern Saskatchewan. Contains Rps1k Phytophthora gene field tolerance. Very good white mould and outstanding IDC tolerance, with to SCN, this new RR2X soybeans rounds out a very solid defensive package. shy RR2X variety with nice appearance is a great choice for heavier soils in production. With Phytophthora and SCN resistance a strong defensive option results under tough reduced tillage conditions. RR2 raises the bar in western Canadian soybean fields. Proven Seed entered n Canadian soybean market with unprecedented performance from this 2Y soybean, with its strong agronomics and excellent disease resistance. R2X is a medium height plant with excellent standability and yield potential. sive beast protects yield through excellent IDC scores, strong white mould Rps1c gene for Phytophthora coupled with strong field tolerance and SCN . Best suited on rows 20 inches and under. R2X adds the strong herbicide control of Roundup Ready Xtend ® to Proven bean lineup. With strong performance and aggressive growth, this tall, roduct is well suited to wide row production in heavier soil types in the Red y and reduced tillage production. DESCRIPTION A convenient, easy-to-use liquid inoculant that maximizes nodulation resulting in increased fixation of nitrogen for higher yield and protein potential in pea and lentil crops. An advanced granular formulation technology with a highly-effective, more active inoculant strain for increased yield potential of peas and lentils. Soybeans 19