Nursing in Practice Winter 2023 issue | Page 20

nursinginpractice . com | September / October 2020 | Issue 116
Inside Nurses ’ pay must go up along with their status P20 Should flu jabs be compulsory for health workers this year ? P26 Helping nurses cope with bereavement during the pandemic P29
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P32 nursinginpractice . com | Autumn 2021 | Issue 121
Managing addiction in primary care P16
Lost in translation : using professional interpreters P24 Diagnosing the menopause and HRT prescribing P40
p1 _ NIP121 _ cover _ v3 . indd 1 15 / 09 / 2021 16:18
P40 and have supported the surgery throughout of decent sick pay , lack of communication the pandemic with no recognition and training . Don ’ t feel supported enough whatsoever I have been a nurse for more So exhausted I feel so very isolated
The latest news , clinical developments , and professional guidance for nurses in general practice and the community nursinginpractice . com
p1 _ NiP123 _ cover _ v5 _ Y . indd 1 11 / 03 / 2022 14:59
The latest news , clinical developments and professional guidance for nurses in general practice and the community nursinginpractice . com
p1 _ NiP127 _ cover _ v4Y . indd 1 16 / 03 / 2023 10:03
22 | Nursing in Practice | Winter 2023

Our digital future is here

Nursinginpractice . com will become an even more indispensible resource for general practice nurses as we expand our online content and sharpen our focus on the issues of concern to the profession , says Carolyn Scott
Carolyn Scott is editor of Nursing in Practice . carolynscott @ cogora . com
HAVE YOUR SAY ! Visit our Facebook page at : facebook . com / NursinginPracticeMagazine and share your thoughts on the issues raised
We ’ ve enjoyed putting together this final print issue of Nursing in Practice , and the opportunity to look back at its origins and just a few of our favourite past issues . From its launch in 2001 with practice nurse Marilyn Eveleigh then at the helm , the journal has built a strong online presence , with a wealth of content developed and curated for nurses in general practice and in the community .
Huge thanks to our advisory panel of nurses for their continuing support , and to everyone who has written for or featured in our print issues over the years . As we now focus solely on digital , contributors will of course continue to be welcomed for publication . Please get in touch if you would like to be interviewed , write a viewpoint , or share your clinical expertise . Sitting alongside our sister publication Pulse , which serves GPs , Nursing in Practice looks in depth at nursing in a rapidly changing primary care . This has always been our focus ; if you look back at print issues from the past 20 years , you ’ ll encounter familiar topics .
An early issue , for example , looked at
multidisciplinary working alongside GP colleagues . We ’ ve monitored the impact of government policy on primary care and patients , how the NHS Long Term Plan boosted the GPN role and , more recently , the rise ARRS roles in England and the consequences for GPNs . And during the pandemic we published more content than ever , doing all we could to support you through unusual times .
In this issue we ’ ve included a broad cross-section of the content we produce , and which is ready for you online . This spans news , key professional topics , viewpoints and debate , alongside clinical updates , CPD and resources to support your practice . News is updated daily , so bookmark nursinginpractice . com to read the latest , download the Nursing in Practice app to your mobile , and sign up for our email newsletters . Then you won ’ t miss a thing .
We ’ re developing a programme of clinical content for the year ahead , and with a series of live and virtual events delivered through the nursinginpractice365 . uk platform , we ’ re looking forward to meeting you face to face too .
Nursing in Practice in print : A selection of our covers from 2001 to today
CLINICAL The state of practice nursing We urgently need a national Strategies for dealing with Nurses ’ role in managing two years into the pandemic nursing workforce plan angry patients gestational diabetes
P12 P22
IN PRACTICE Spring 2022
CLINICAL More than one in five NHS ‘ Never trust a skinny chef ’: one Meet the Practice Nurse Proposed changes to the nurses looking to quit nurse ’ s inspiration to get fit of the Year child immunisation schedule
P4 P16
IN PRACTICE Spring 2023
Nurses ’ mental health in danger
as Covid-19 crisis continues
We have lost members of our team and are unable to recruit We are understaffed
and have been unsuccessful in recruiting ; the chronic disease
burden is enormous I have had enough We are always excluded and so feel undervalued I have been in the nursing profession for over 30 years . Pressure and lack of capacity makes every day incredibly
demanding and stressful I could retire this October and until the latter part of last
year I hadn ’ t really given it serious thought but am considering it now . We really are
than 20 years and things seems to be getting worse for nurses . There is no
respect and no appreciation . GPs gets support and respect . But not
us The patients are often very rude , demanding and
abusive . Job satisfaction is minimal , leading
to stress overload and burnout I ’ ve had enough .
I ’ m burnt out , stressed and exhausted Just feel overworked and
undervalued and have reached burnout I ’ m not considering leaving but there are many
days where I have felt like walking out – but then worked through it I see primary care
just exhausted and feel that we are not appreciated by the public . It has been a
like a ceiling , no matter how hard you work , there ’ s hardly room for making partnership
real uphill struggle to keep going Tired and demoralised , underpaid and not valued
as a nurse No longer the role I started 21 years ago . Unsafe environment now . Expectations
Nurses struggle to plan for an unprecedented autumn and winter
I feel significantly undervalued . I have been at the same surgery for over 26 years
are unrealistic and dangerous Time for a change I ’ m tired Fed up of poor pay , lack
Practice nurses reveal how the pandemic has compounded the problems of workload and morale
Nurses question how the new roles in PCNs are impacting their position in general practice P6
2018 Nursing in Practice marks its 100th printed edition . Two letters to then health secretary Jeremy Hunt from readers raise concerns about the number of nurses retiring ‘ at the earliest opportunity ’ and the future of the NHS
2020 Covid has a severe impact on general practice and the community . Nurses discuss the challenges of using video consultations . We look at the importance of breast cancer screening during the pandemic , after a large drop in the number of women being referred
2021 GPNs responding to our survey call for standardised pay and terms to match that of NHS colleagues on Agenda for Change contracts . We find over one-third still get no sick pay , and more than half have no provision for maternity pay in their contracts
2022 With workload at an all-time high , we find only a third of nurses in general practice are not considering leaving their jobs in the next year , with exhaustion , pay and conditions cited as ongoing concerns . Nurses also say staff shortages are impacting workload and care quality
2023 We investigate the impact of the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme , which has brought thousands of new colleagues into general practice , leading to concerns over a potential dilution of the GPN role