Nursing in Practice Winter 2023 issue | Page 19

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Nurses are the best judge of how well the website and journal have supported their professional practice . Our online usage has grown hugely , outstripping readership of the printed version . Given this success , now is the right time for NiP to move to an exclusively online platform , with all the benefits that will bring for GPNs .
The website will build on its successes to offer unlimited access to clinical and professional content , and become even more responsive to current issues . It will be able to attract a wider and younger nursing audience , and be more environmentally responsible . NiP analysis indicates the website is liked and valued by nurses and sponsors – so it remains free to use for the profession !
I have had the privilege of making a Comment in every issue since launch – they can be read online under the Views tab . I ’ ve chosen topics with a direct or indirect impact on our audience , be they political , professional , ethical , reputational or nursing / patient specific .
Looking back over them is like reading an old diary , with smiles at my optimism , blushes at my naivety and embarrassment at my rantings . Yes , I will miss reading
Download the NiP app and explore the website : you ’ ll be absorbed and rewarded
a copy of NiP in the bath or browsing the magazine over a surgery tea break – but headline nursing news on the move , easy access to free live and online CPD , the array of clinical articles and a nursing community at a click is ample compensation .
Of course , we do not want to lose any NiP readers as we bid farewell to the printed version – we want you all with us as we head into 2024 . For any ‘ digiphobes ’, I urge you to download the NiP app and explore the website : I guarantee you will be absorbed and rewarded . The website now also has Nursing in Practice Reference , an online symptom sorter to support nurses in making appropriate patient referrals , which is a really useful and timely resource .
• Join us at nursinginpractice . com
Where to access Nursing in Practice resources
News , analysis and views nursinginpractice . com Clinical overviews , research summaries and guidance nursinginpractice . com Professional topics : nursinginpractice . com CPD learning modules : nursinginpractice365 . uk Events : Live , virtual and on-demand : nursinginpractice365 . uk / events Apps ( for mobile access ) App Store or Google Play
2009 The Care Quality Commission is established with the goal of ensuring that services in primary care are safe and regulated through a consistent cycle of inspections
2012 An autumn cover focuses on school nursing , while an article reviews the history of health visiting , and a column argues that care homes should be more attractive places to work , with the status that this often-complex work deserves
2015 A survey from the Royal College of Nursing finds that 50 % of community nurses have been subjected to abuse . The issue also covers the risks of lone working in people ’ s homes , and of aggression from frustrated patients
2016 The issue examines how the nursing associate role , then a new initiative , will fit within general practice . Some brand the role ‘ nurses on the cheap ’, while others encourage general practice to ‘ embrace ’ the development and support the transition
2017 How to get the pay rise you deserve ? Our feature advises readers to assert themselves and stand up for their rights , while Rhona Aikman , from the NiP advisory panel , describes ‘ winners and losers ’ in practice nursing on pay , terms and conditions