NTFB Documents FY16 Annual Report - Final | Page 15
The poverty rate in the 76215 zip code is approximately 1 in 3
people, which is higher than most other areas NTFB serves.
NTFB, in partnership with St. Philip’s School and Community Center,
operates Our Community Pantry (OCP), a client-choice food pantry
located in the heart of South Dallas.
In FY16, the staff and volunteers at OCP provided 819 households in
South Dallas with an abundance of fresh produce, healthy proteins
as well as pantry staples throughout the year. The Pantry serves 80
families per day who reside in the 75203, 75210 and 75215 zip codes,
and clients are able to shop at the pantry every two weeks.
The pantry implemented two new systems in FY16 that work together
to track client information, as well as pantry inventory: IRIS, an
electronic case management and client-tracking system that was
developed by Parkland Center for Clinical Innovation; and Link2Feed,
which is a point-of-sale and inventory system. These updates will allow
pantry staff and volunteers to track the amount and type of food a
client has shopped for, while updating a live inventory system so staff
can easily track what foods are available in real time.
The shopping process at OCP was successfully restructured, thanks
to a partnership with the Toyota Production System Support Center
(TSSC). The team spent several months at OCP observing current
practices and identifying areas of improvement. TSSC staff helped
fine tune the shopping and volunteer experience, improving efficiency
in daily processes, ultimately increasing OCP’s ability to serve more
clients daily – from 50 families pre-collaboration to 80 families post-
OCP is the first pantry to be
operated and staffed by NTFB.