NSSRA Program Guides Winter 2019 | Page 35

NSSRA Gym Night Are you looking for a night out with your friends? Come check out Gym Night! Every week, we will head to the gym and enjoy a pick-up game of the group's choice. When we are done, we'll go grab a bite to eat. All sports played will be team sports and will be decided by the group the week before. Please wear athletic clothes and gym shoes and bring $10 for dinner. Goals: Improve social interaction and teamwork skills. Learn new leisure skills. Contact: Kai Treston Program Code/Fee: Age: 16 and up Transportation Code/Fee: Location: Sachs Recreation Center, Deerfield Time: 6:00 - 8:00 pm Times/Locations: Date: Wednesdays, January 9 - February 27 Min/Max: 6 / 10 190405-01 / $90 190405-51 / $88 Pick Up 4:30 pm NSSRA 5:00 pm WCRC 5:30 pm Moraine Drop Off 9:00 pm 8:40 pm 8:20 pm Gator Bowling This program is designed for competitive bowlers. Athletes will focus on techniques to improve their bowling skills for competition. Fees include bowling and shoe rental. During the first week of program, athletes will go through a Skills Assessment Test to determine participation in the program for the remainder of the season, as well as to gain eligibility for Special Olympics Illinois competitions. Athletes are expected to compete in Special Recreation Association (SRA) and Special Olympic events and must register for competitions by completing registration forms which will be distributed at program. Athletes must have a current Special Olympics Medical Application for Participation on file. Goals: Increase bowling average. Learn competitive skills such as aiming, stance and approach. Improve balance. Contact: Katie James Program Code/Fee: Age: 8 and up Transportation Code/Fee: Location: Brunswick Zone Hawthorn Lanes, Vernon Hills Time: 6:30 - 8:00 pm Times/Locations: Date: Wednesdays, January 9 - February 27 Min/Max: 6 / 20 199606-01 / $120 199606-51 / $88 Pick Up 4:30 pm NSSRA 5:00 pm WCRC 5:30 pm Moraine Drop Off 9:10 pm 8:50 pm 8:30 pm Youth Horseback Riding Giddy up! Equestrian Connection is a one-of-a-kind stable that provides therapeutic horseback riding opportunities specifically designed for individuals with special needs. Participants learn and practice grooming techniques, ride, have a snack and engage in a horse-related activity each week. A waiver will be sent prior to the program's start date and must be returned to the NSSRA office by Friday, December 28. Note: As a safety precaution for all, participants over 250 pounds will do ground work with horses instead of riding. Participants with physical and medical conditions, please use caution. No program January 24. Goals: Increase flexibility and range of motion while on the horse. Gain self-confidence and a sense of control through stable skills. Develop companionship with the horse and a sense of responsibility. Contact: Age: Location: Time: Date: Min/Max: www.nssra.org Marissa Wayne Program Code/Fee: 3 - 15 Transportation Code/Fee: Equestrian Connection, Lake Forest 4:30 - 5:45 pm Times/Locations: Thursdays, January 10 - February 28 6 / 9 198207-01 / $285 198207-51 / $77 Pick Up 3:00 pm NSSRA 3:30 pm WCRC 4:00 pm RCHP Drop Off 7:15 pm 6:45 pm 6:15 pm YOUTH PROGRAMS 35