NSSRA Program Guides Fall 2018 | Page 35

Bright Star Theatre Company Join NSSRA for a theater program designed for teens and adults who are interested in acting in a live production! Our participants will be joined by Creative Companions and Northbrook Park District Theatre staff to help facilitate a professional production of THE HIVE! Imagine a world where everyone is expected to be the same. Then imagine you are different… Enter THE HIVE, where all bees are alike and work toward one common goal, but two young bees are different and excluded because of it. Watch these two make an amazing discovery and realize how wonderful it is to be unique. An original musical written for the members of Bright Star Theater, THE HIVE will make you laugh, make you cry, and make you happy to be alive. Space is limited so register early! There will be additional practices during production week; the schedule will be determined at a later date. Performances are scheduled for Saturday, March 16 at 5:00 pm and Sunday, March 17 at 1:00 pm. All interested actors and companions must register for this program through NSSRA. NSSRA will not be running programs on Tuesday, September 18 in light of Yom Kippur. Please note that this program will begin one week late on Tuesday, September 25. No program November 20, December 18, December 25 and January 1. Goals: Gain experience in a theater setting and in show production. Increase social interaction with peers. Contact: Age: Location: Time: Marissa Wayne Date: 16 and up Min/Max: Northbrook Leisure Center, Little Theatre Program Code/Fee: 4:30 - 5:30 pm Tuesdays, September 25 - March 19 9 / 12 480202-01 / $425 Photos from BSTC's 2018 production of "Doo-Wop Red Riding Hood." Center: Our 2018 crew of Creative Companions. For more, check out www.nssra.org/media. Creative Companions We are looking for volunteers ages 15 and up ready to share in the fun and excitement of a theater production! As a Creative Companion, you will be paired with an actor or stage crew member with special needs as he or she participates in a professional theater production of THE HIVE! Space is limited so register early! There will be additional practices during production week; the schedule will be determined at a later date. Performances are scheduled for Saturday, March 16 at 5:00 pm and Sunday, March 17 at 1:00 pm. While there is no fee for companions, you must register through NSSRA using the program code below. Note: Creative Companions will meet Tuesday, September 11 at the Northbrook Leisure Center from 4:30 - 5:30 pm for orientation. Fall programs begin the week of September 17, but NSSRA will not be running programs on Tuesday, September 18 in light of Yom Kippur. Please note that this program will begin one week late on Tuesday, September 25. No program September 18, November 20, December 18, December 25 and January 1. Contact: Marissa Wayne Date: Age: 15 and up Min/Max: Location: Northbrook Leisure Center, Little Theatre Program Code/Fee: Time: 4:30 - 5:30 pm www.nssra.org Tuesdays, September 11 - March 19 9 / 12 480202-02 / FREE YOUTH PROGRAMS 35