Norwex AUS NZ LifeStyle Magazine sept_lifestyle_flip | Page 28

GET TO KNOW OUR NORWEX LEADERS Recently I had the opportunity to Congratulate our Rookie of the Year, Victorian Anita Markovic. The Rookie of the Year award is recognised on personal sales, recruiting and Leader development, 3 things that Anita has excelled at since she joined Norwex in July 2016. In July this year Anita did 8 parties and got 16 bookings, signed 3 new Consultants and supported Jessica in becoming a Team Leader the same month she joined! Anita has achieved the Go For The Goal trip to Africa and has promoted to Sales Leader and has 4 Team Leaders, all personal Recruits as well. I asked Anita for some tips on her success and she shared with me these pearls of wisdom. Rookie of the Year . Anita Markovic . Sales Leader . VIC Get organised Be generous. Anita has all products organised for easy access to look after her Customers. She also finds it takes the confusion out of her head and into her cupboards. (Simple baskets from Kmart) Be generous with what Norwex is generous to you with. When you earn rewards, make them work for you. Use Shopping Sprees to support your business. Anita always gives 2-3 Skincare samples at her parties and so of course has many Customers who love our Naturally Timeless range. Make it look pretty and appealing. 28 PEOPLE . rookie of the year interview