Norwex AUS NZ LifeStyle Magazine sept_lifestyle_flip | Page 29

Team Up with your Host Mentally commit to your Host. They have opened their home, invited others so look after them by ensuring you do the best you can for them. Anita believes when others see this level of commitment they also want to book as they can see Anita will look after them. You simply can’t fail the Host. Ways that you can do this include: Once 1 booking is achieved, Anita holds up the Bathroom Scrub Mitt and asks who wants one of these, you can’t even buy this so you need to get one from your party. For the 3rd booking Anita asks “Who is going to be the Mop Person? Who is going to get Hosts name a Mop System today?” If no booking is coming, explain to everyone there that for example $500 of FREE Norwex will be left on the table if no one books. Anita believes it’s her enthusiasm and excitement that makes a difference too. “Get Excited about the Mop System, it’s fantastic!” Anita has learnt the hard way though too. After 10 cancellations one month she decided that was so unfair to her and Norwex that Anita now holds back on the Host Rewards and does not hand them over until the next party is held. When it comes to building and growing a Team, Anita’s theory is simple – let them know they are wanted, loved and have a place to belong. Not someone on their back, chasing figures or putting pressure on them. Help them to have a business. And that’s what Anita does. She is a big believer in the Brighter Future FreshSTART Package. Even though Anita explains both packages she also explains the value and ease of achieving the BFF, no matter how the new Consultant wants to participate. It was a joy to get to know Anita better and for her to share her ideas. Before Anita heads off to Africa she is doing 8 parties as well as running an In Home Party Training for her Team AND other local Consultants. Congratulations again Anita and we look forward to your future success. Interview by Cath Bentley Business Development Manager 29