Norwex AUS NZ LifeStyle Magazine october_lifestyle_flip | Page 20
Get to know your
Norwex Leaders
Inspired by her upline’s goal to
achieve Red Jacket, Eileen takes us
through her journey to promote to
ESL in September!
My name is Eileen Marsh and I’m based in
Sydney. I have two daughters; a 5 year old and
3 year old, and I work 3 days a week for a digital
Last year when I was introduced to Norwex, I
had already been thinking about looking for
a new opportunity where I could earn some
extra income, but without having to go back to
full time work. With my eldest getting close to
starting school, I wanted to be able to do school
drop offs and pick ups, to help with homework
and take them to after school activities and
really just enjoy as much time with them as I
could! I had friends who were with other direct
selling companies but when I was introduced to
Norwex I knew straight away that Norwex was
the right fit for me!
Get To Know Your Leaders . Eileen Marsh
Of course I was so impressed with the products,
but even more so it was Norwex’s Mission that
aligned so well with my own personal values.
So I jumped in back in June 2017 and it has
been an incredible ride since! I set myself small
quite achievable goals in the beginning and my
business has just grown into something I could
not have imagined.
I have had the most incredible support, from the
friends who agreed to host my very first demos
(and many who have now joined my Team!)
to those in the Pink Diamond Gems (special
mention to Emma Fenton my upline) who have
helped and guided me and who will become life-
long friends. I’m forever grateful for my husband
Pete who has always encouraged me right
from the beginning and for my two girls who
absolutely love all the Norwex I’ve given them